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We offer a spare van or car key service programing new remote keys at a faction of the cost of the main dealership. Being a mobile auto locksmith service we can work around your lifestyle we can come to your work place as well as your home what ever works for you. 



Losing your keys can be a stressful time. You may be asking yourself what if someone uses them to steal your car. Well rest assured this can be fixed without having to spend large amounts of money at the dealership .

First of all we can remove the lost key’s ID from your car’s memory so that it will not start the car. Whilst this will stop the car from being driven off, it does not stop access to the car.

Secondly, access to the car can be stopped by re-pinning your locks. This effectively means creating a new lock code for all your car locks without having to replace the locks entirely. This is far cheaper and just as effective and allows you to keep all the original locks.

We will make you a new set of keys that will gain entry and start your car allowing you the safe knowledge that you are the only person who can access your car.

Even if you have lost all your keys do not fall into the trap of thinking you need to replace the car’s ECU and locks. This is simply not true. We can create new keys for you by reading the data from the ECU – all at a fraction of the cost of replacing the ECU and locks.


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